How to Make Your Own Delta 9 THC Gummies

As you may already know, gummies are one of the most popular ways to take cannabis. They’re also one of the easiest and most convenient methods of ingestion. However, not all gummy snacks are made with cannabis or hemp extract.
The majority of them aren’t. Thankfully, making your gummies is extremely easy and requires minimal preparation time and effort. Plus, they keep for up to two weeks if stored in an airtight container in a cool place away from sunlight. Here’s how you can make your THC gummies at home with just three simple ingredients: With this being said, let’s get into more details and discover how you can make your own delta 9 thc gummies at home.
What You’ll Need to Make Your Own Delta 9 THC Gummies
There are four key ingredients you’ll need to make your THC gummies: marijuana, gelatin, water, and flavouring. The first ingredient is marijuana. You’ll need to select a strain of cannabis with high levels of THC, as this is the cannabinoid responsible for the psychoactive effects. Next, you’ll need to select a suitable flavour and colour.
This will depend on your personal preferences and should be selected before purchasing the other three ingredients. You can also buy a specialised flavour that’s designed to enhance the taste of cannabis. You’ll also need to purchase gelatin, water, and flavouring. You can find these in any supermarket or health food store.
Decarboxylate Your Weed
The first step in making your own Delta 9 Gummies is to decarboxylate your weed. This process involves baking your marijuana at low temperatures and for a short amount of time to activate the THC. When you ingest cannabis, it passes through the liver before entering the bloodstream. As a result, any active cannabinoids won’t have an effect. However, when you bake marijuana, the THC is converted into THC-A.
THC-A is non-psychoactive and easily passes through the liver, allowing the cannabinoids to have their desired effect. You can bake your weed at home, or you can use an oven. Preheat the oven to around 240°F and bake the weed for 25-30 minutes. When you’re ready to make your gummies, crumble the baked weed and set it aside.
Create the Hemp Cannabidiol Infused Gel
Once you’ve decarboxylated your weed, it’s time to create the hemp cannabidiol-infused gel. To do this, you’ll need to heat the water and gelatin in a saucepan over low heat. You don’t want to cook the ingredients. Instead, you just want to bring the mixture to a hot and liquid consistency. Once the mixture has reached the desired consistency, take it off the heat and stir in the crumbled weed.
Pour the mixture into a glass or ceramic container and allow it to cool to room temperature. Once the mixture has cooled, you can add in the flavouring and colouring. You can also add nuts and other ingredients if you want to create a special flavour.
Add in the Flavoring and Colour
Once the mixture has cooled, it’s time to add in the flavouring and colouring. For the flavouring, use a product that’s designed to enhance the taste of cannabis. Alternatively, you can use natural flavourings, such as vanilla and cherry. For the colouring, you can use beetroot powder or other natural food colourings. Once you’ve added in the flavouring and colouring, pour the mixture into molds. You can use any mold, but we recommend using silicone molds. Alternatively, you can use baking paper and cut them into gummy shapes using a knife or scissors.
Gummies are one of the easiest and most convenient ways to take cannabis. However, not all gummy snacks are made with cannabis or hemp extract. The majority of them aren’t. Thankfully, making your gummies is extremely easy and requires minimal preparation time and effort. Plus, they keep for up to two weeks if stored in an airtight container in a cool place away from sunlight. Here’s how you can make your THC gummies at home with just three simple ingredients: marijuana, gelatin, and water.
Once you’ve decarboxylated your weed and created the hemp cannabidiol-infused gel, you can add in the flavouring and colouring. These THC gummies are great for beginners and are a delicious and easy way to consume cannabis. If you want to experience the health benefits that cannabis has to offer, making your THC gummies is the perfect first step.